APOEL (Greek: ΑΠΟΕΛ; Aθλητικός Ποδοσφαιρικός Όμιλος Eλλήνων Λευκωσίας, Athlitikos Podosfairikos Omilos Ellinon Lefkosias, Hellenic Athletic Football Club of Nicosia) is a Cypriot multisport club, based in Nicosia, Cyprus. With an overall tally of 19 league plus 18 cup titles APOEL is in trophy terms the most successful football team in the country.Founded on November 8, 1926 as POEL (standing for Podosferikos Omilos Ellinon Lefkosias, or, Football Club of the Greeks of Nicosia), the club is a founding member of the Cyprus Football Association. The club's formation came about when a group of forty people, with a common vision, met and set the foundations for creating a football club that would represent all the Greeks of the capital and whose base would be in Nicosia. The meeting took place at a traditional confectionery, owned by Charalambos Hadjioannou, down town in Ledra Street and the first president of the club was Giorgos Poulias.